menopause, work, workplace, employers

Congratulations to HSBC UK, first direct, M&S Bank, ATOS and Aster Group – the first employers in the UK to be awarded Menopause Friendly Accreditation by our Independent Panel.

The accreditation recognises employers putting diversity, inclusion and colleagues’ wellbeing centre stage, making their organisation a great place to work. It demonstrates they’ve achieved the right standards of menopause awareness, education and support for their organisation.

Our panel knows that what’s put in place in one organisation won’t necessarily work in another. The applications from these three organisations were all very different, reflecting their size, culture, locations and type of business. But they all demonstrated that they were meeting, or often exceeding, the criteria in best practice standards.

Independent Panel member Suzanne Banks CBE said: “We’ve thoroughly assessed all aspects of the menopause friendly applications and it was incredible to see the great work these employers had done. We were delighted to recognise the first menopause friendly accredited employers in the UK. It’s clear they’d all created a culture where it’s easy to talk about menopause, provide the right training and support.”

HSBC UK, first direct and M&S Bank

Suzanne Banks told the organisation: “It’s clear how much you’ve done to create a culture where it’s easy to talk about menopause. You’ve taken training and communication very seriously with some amazing initiatives taking menopause knowledge and awareness to all parts of your business. 

“We think your approach to uniforms was superb, and in the environment too, including providing fans even to homeworkers who needed them. And training up your EAP provider. In fact, you have exceeded all of the exacting standards.”

Amanda Murphy, Head of Commercial Banking for HSBC UK, said: “We’ve built a thriving community leading awareness and education about the menopause across HSBC UK, underpinned by supportive policies and actions. We’re incredibly proud to be breaking the taboo surrounding menopause as part of our wider employee wellbeing strategy, creating a more inclusive workplace where all our colleagues are supported to be at their best.” 

The team were completely delighted with their accreditation, which was well deserved given their passion and commitment to menopause in the workplace support. 

Aster Group

Independent Panel Member Evelyn Dickey told Aster Group: “You’ve created a culture that is empowering and engaging, with menopause now embedded as part of your culture.

“We applaud you for all you’ve done to reach all staff groups across all locations and for ensuring everyone is included. We particularly noted the comprehensive nature of your policies and practices, with their supportive tone and strong education focus. Plus notable practices to create a supportive workplace environment. Well done, you’ve exceeded the exacting standards of the panel.”

People Director Jane Pound said: “It’s very exciting to work for an employer who realises that at least half of its workforce is going to experience this sometimes life-changing event. To be open and honest and to create a community where colleagues can get support, knowing they’re not on their own, is so important.”


Independent Panel Member Evelyn Dickey told Atos: “Thank you very much for applying for accreditation for Menopause Friendly employer status. There was so much to applaud! 

“Your ambition was fantastic, with clear goals and commitment, and comprehensive policies and practices. It’s clear you’ve created a culture where it’s easy to talk about the menopause. Sponsorship from a board director and accountability from ED&I heads were also noted as a real positive.

“Congratulations on your fabulous, comprehensive communication and engagement campaign reaching everyone in your organisation, with a very strong, supportive tone throughout. The panel were also very impressed with your inclusivity and that you encourage male menopause champions and ambassadors. In fact, you have exceeded all of our exacting standards.”

HRBP Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Northern Europe Rachel Edwards said: “We’re delighted, this is fantastic news. So many people put an amazing amount of effort into this initiative. We started on this journey in 2019, designing the policy. We wanted something that was inclusive and followed best practice. 

“We’ve done some phenomenal stuff around building awareness and keeping menopause on the topic list for our organisation. I think the number of people supporting us has shone through in how it’s been integrated into the business. 

“We’ve made huge strides but we’re just starting to scratch the surface. Our immediate plan for the coming months is to start embarking on even wider training, getting more people on the journey and expanding out to Northern Europe.”

Accreditation for all

Congratulations to you all for your inspirational campaigns!

These accreditations are testament to the commitment, passion and drive of these organisations in recognising the importance of menopause support at work. They also show that accreditation is there for organisations of all shapes and sizes. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and our panel assesses each application in its own right. 

How menopause friendly is your organisation? Join today to find out more. 



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