Think tank: Preparing for International Women’s Day 2024

Online , United Kingdom

The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is #InspireInclusion. Here we’ll share with you the resources within the membership supporting IWD 2024. In this session you will: Hear what other organisations are planning Discuss key ideas for using IWD to accelerate the conversation around menopause Consider what great looks like Discuss the practicalities of setting […]

Think tank: Creating and running menopause support group

Many organisations have had great success in setting up and running support groups as part of their strategy to become menopause friendly. In this session you will: Hear what other organisations are doing Discuss key do’s and don’t’s Consider your terms of reference Discuss the practicalities of setting up and keeping the momentum going. Join […]

Menopause Friendly Think Tank for SME’s

Online , United Kingdom

Aimed at our SME members with sub 350 employees, this session we will cover Why it’s important for SMEs – brief summary What are some of the unique challenges facing SMEs The accreditation pillars in the context of SMEs How can we help and support our smaller organisation members more/what’s available in the site Register […]

Think tank – No cost / low cost engagement

Online , United Kingdom

You are invited to come along and share your ideas, insights and perhaps barriers to engaging your colleagues, managers and teams without the use of significant budgets. Hear the thoughts from member organisations on their own efforts to engage and involve colleagues in their menopause awareness and support using a low cost or no cost […]

Think Tank – Revive and thrive

Online , United Kingdom

Encouraging women back into the workplace Too many women have left work, or aren’t working as much as they’d like to, due to menopause. Which is why we’re delighted to be partnering with The People Portfolio on this wonderful initiative: Revive and Thrive. Big benefits for your business Access to a new, high-calibre talent pool […]

Preparing for World Menopause Day

Online , United Kingdom

October marks Menopause Awareness Month and 18 October is World Menopause Day and this years theme is HRT. It's a great time to start or reignite the conversation about menopause at work. What does your organisation have planned? In this webinar we will share ideas and communications tools you can use to engage your workforce and hear from other […]

Winners Webinar 2024

Online , United Kingdom

Congratulations to all the Menopause Friendly Employer Awards 2024 – you’re all winners! The quality of all the award applications were exceptional and to help everyone, we’re hosting this special event with the winners, focusing on what made the biggest difference to their campaigns. While all employers are unique, we’re bringing this collection of ideas […]