The Menopause Friendly Accreditation Turns Two! The Menopause Friendly Accreditation turns two on April 2, 2023 and, in the time-honoured fashion of celebrating birthdays of youngsters, we want to celebrate with our friends, marvel at how much we’re grown and show how much we’ve learned. The Menopause Friendly Accreditation recognises high standards and proven practices that embrace menopause in the workplace. The industry-recognised mark of excellence for menopause in the workplace, it is the only accreditation that sets clear standards which must be met. As such, it is truly meaningful and something of which to be proud. Since launching The Menopause Friendly Accreditation in April 2021, 46 employers ranging from charities to city banks, football clubs to FTSE100 companies and NHS Trusts to high street retailers are proudly displaying this badge, proving they are menopause friendly. Hard won – but worth it! Currently, HOW MANY employers are actively working towards The Menopause Friendly Accreditation with new Menopause Friendly employers signing up each week to take that extra step to show their commitment. In order to achieve The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, employers are assessed by an Independent Panel and must demonstrate evidence of their effectiveness in six key areas, namely: culture, policies and practices, training, engagement, facilities and evaluation. It’s not easy to achieve – and some employers need more than one attempt at it – but it’s worth it in the end. Why? Employers value The Menopause Friendly Accreditation because, having achieved this standard, they know they've had to work for it. They’ve had to demonstrate and prove they are menopause friendly and this gives them confidence. Furthermore, employers tell us that having achieved the accreditation, they don’t stop there. The changes in policy and practice inspire greater action and further improvements. Proud to display the badge The primary aim of The Menopause Friendly Accreditation is to support colleagues working through menopause. However, the badge also sends a clear message to clients, customers and the wider community that they are a menopause friendly workplace. Such care of colleagues says a lot about a business…. Indeed, organisations welcome the fact their Menopause Friendly Accreditation tells the outside world that they are menopause friendly. It helps in their wider relationships and encourages people to work for them. Having The Menopause Friendly Accreditation is a major differentiating factor when looking to retain and recruit women: it sets employers apart. The ‘friend’ in menopause friendly Before working towards The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, organisations must be Menopause Friendly Members. A growing community of over 400 employers of all shapes and sizes, the membership brings great support, strength and solidarity. Members happily share their experience, polices and best practice with each other, including their competitors! The passion and commitment for being menopause friendly sits outside the usual business parameters: here is an issue that employers are keen and proud to share with each other. Having found solutions and success, they want to help others achieve the same. The growing community of businesses is one of the best things to emerge from The Menopause Friendly Accreditation. If a member is facing a problem or challenge, someone else in the membership who has encountered and solved it, will step in to help. We’ve had members share policies to save others the time creating one from scratch. Organisations have hosted training sessions for other businesses: we have even seen organisations who are technically competitors come together on this topic as their shared purpose in finding solutions to managing menopause in their specific industry is a such a strong, driving factor. The icing on the cake It's easy to say you’re menopause friendly but harder to SHOW this. The Menopause Friendly Accreditation says it all for you! As we celebrate our second birthday, we like to think of it as the icing on the cake. To start your journey to achieving The Menopause Friendly Accreditation contact WHO

Committing to becoming a menopause friendly organisation shows your wider commitment to supporting all colleagues in your workplace. Helps you stand out as a responsible employer. And makes you a great place to work.

But did you know that being demonstrably menopause friendly can also reap rewards in the area of recruitment and retention?

The importance of employee wellbeing

A survey of 160 HR leaders discovered that 77% were experiencing problems finding and retaining staff (The Great Resignation, 2021). But giving some time and attention to your health and wellness programme – and making these easily accessible for job seekers – can help you combat this issue.

According to MetLife, 2022, health and wellness programmes are a must for 52% of workers. However, just 33% of employers currently offer this. So, it stands to reason that a strong commitment to the wellbeing of your workforce will help you stand out. The same research also tells us that 74% say they are interested in DEI programmes and/or affinity groups when deciding whether to accept a new job.

Increasingly, job hunters are looking for organisations that can demonstrate they are a supportive place to work. Most will conduct thorough research before even thinking about submitting an application. Making sure your wellbeing and DEI policies are front and centre – there’s no point in having great policies in place, however well meaning, if they’re not accessible and advertised. Review platforms such as Glassdoor are also becoming popular as a place for potential employees to research the type of organisation they are applying to join.

Set yourself apart from your competition

Having meaningful menopause support in place and making this public knowledge is a good way to set yourself apart from your competitors. Some job hunters may be looking to leave a company due to its lack of menopause support and here’s where you can attract in some top talent.

The value of retention

It’s not just about bringing new people on board, though. Your company will already employ talented people who you want to keep with you. Offering reasonable adjustments for those experiencing symptoms, training up your entire workforce, making menopause an easy topic of conversation and keeping the menopause drumbeat going is a great way to help your colleagues feel supported and nurtured.

Some organisations choose to set up Menopause Champions/Advocates as part of their approach, and there may be other more informal aspects to your support beyond a policy or guidance document. Intranet groups, regular gatherings and just generally knowing that you can declare ‘I’m just having one of those days’ can be a huge comfort to colleagues experiencing symptoms.

When we consider that 80% of people going through menopause are in work (Fawcett Society Report, 2022) it becomes even more clear why offering support during this transition is so important. Especially when we also realise that one in four people have considered leaving their job during menopause, and one in 10 actually left their job due to symptoms, it’s crystal clear.

In fact, Oxford Economics say that it costs employers around £30,000 to replace someone leaving. That would mean that an employer would only need to retain one person who was considering leaving to often more than pay back the investment in menopause support. Plus of course all the benefits of enjoying an inclusive workplace, retaining talent and our experience is the difference you make to your employees lives is tangible – they’ll thank you for it.

Doing the right thing in terms of menopause support is good for your colleagues. And it’s good for your bottom line. Most menopause support and adjustments are small, cost effective and short term, but the benefits you’ll reap for years to come.



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