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Burness Paull, menopause, friendly, work, workplace, employer
Congratulations to law firm Burness Paull LLP, who impressed our Independent Panel to become Scotland’s first Menopause Friendly accredited employer.
MF employers
This year’s World Menopause Day is the most exciting in its history. It’s a time for […]
Urgent and important
Once rarely heard beyond whispered conversations, and almost certainly never heard in the workplace, the topic […]
HSBC UK, first direct, M&S Bank
Congratulations! We know what a difference they've made for their colleagues and their organisation. It's time all employers followed their example.
menopause, work, workplace, employers
Congratulations to HSBC UK, first direct, M&S Bank, ATOS and Aster Group - the first employers in the UK to be awarded Menopause Friendly Accreditation by our Independent Panel.
women menopause working together
Professor Jo Brewis talks about the four compelling reasons why it's time to act now and become a menopause friendly employer. And with the brilliant work done in the past five years, it’s a much more receptive environment.